Article 9: You Don't Need a Man to Push the Play Button for Your Life to Begin
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Sheri Rose Shepherd
You Don’t Need a Man to Push the Play Button
for Your Life to Begin

By Sheri Rose Shepherd
Bestselling Author and Bible Life Coach
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I'm not sure what you've walked through or who holds the key to your heart, but if you will hand that key to the Lord, you will find the safe place you're longing for. Your security will no longer be based on others' actions. Even those who love you the most don't know how to love you the way your Lord does. Just listen to His promise in Revelation 21:4: "He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever."

If you're married . . . I know it's hard to say "I do" and "I will" when you have stood in the gap for your marriage and believed God for restoration—and it hasn't happened.

The truth is, you are a beautiful chosen bride of Christ, and in this life there will be trouble. But you have a real Prince. His name is Jesus, and He has felt every pain you've ever experienced. He endured rejection and crucifixion so you would have the power to finish your life on earth and have everlasting life with Him in heaven.

Yes, we want to pray for our men, and we want to empower them with our words, our actions, our influence, and our prayers. But we cannot allow any man on this earth to keep us from the ultimate relationship with our Lord. There is such security for our hearts when we fall for the One who gave His life for ours.

Please know that I am not in any way encouraging you to divorce your husband to follow Christ. But you don’t have to wait for your husband to change before you begin changing the world around you.

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