A daily devotional based on the New Living Translation
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Life Application® Study Bible
April 26th, 2024
Burning the Fat
Leviticus 9:1-24
After that, Aaron raised his hands toward the people and blessed them. Then, after presenting the sin offering, the burnt offering, and the peace offering, he stepped down from the altar. Then Moses and Aaron went into the Tabernacle, and when they came back out, they blessed the people again, and the glory of the LORD appeared to the whole community. Fire blazed forth from the LORD’s presence and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When the people saw this, they shouted with joy and fell face down on the ground. (Leviticus 9:22-24)
In Leviticus 9:6 Moses told the people, “This is what the LORD has commanded you to do so that the glory of the LORD may appear to you.” Moses, Aaron, and the people then got to work and followed God’s instructions. Soon after, the glory of the Lord appeared.

As a display of his mighty power, God sent fire forth to consume Aaron’s offering. The people fell to the ground in awe. Some people wonder if God really exists because they don’t see his activity in the world. But God is at work in today’s world just as much as he was in Moses’ world. Where believers are actively participating in his work, God might not display his power in mighty miracles. Instead, he works to change the world through the work of these believers.

Don’t just look for a glorious act of God—God desires to work through people like you. Do you serve God in the daily routines of life, or do you wait for him to do a mighty act? If you depend on his glorious acts, you may find yourself missing out on the opportunity to be part of what God is doing. When you realize that, you will begin to see acts of love, faith, and obedience that are just as miraculous.
Ask God to use you to change your world, to do his “mighty act” through you.
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